Message from the CEO

The world today is undergoing a great transformation with globalization moving forward and the emergence of Asia, including China and India, as well as the European Union. Amid this immense change, we must not settle for the status quo; rather, we need to constantly reform the way we do business to accommodate these constant changes.
As a specialist in metal heat treatment that forms the foundation of industry, ONEX Corporation engages in heat treatments for a wide range of components used in the automotive, industrial machinery, machine tool and construction equipment sectors. Over the years, our outstanding quality assurance practices have earned us the solid trust and rapport of our customers.
Together with constantly striving to enhance our productivity and quality utilizing our over half a century of advanced expertise in heat treatment technologies, ONEX also maintains an unwavering commitment to its corporate responsibility to society as well as the environment, while it also boldly works to cultivate new proprietary heat treatment technologies and sectors. The ONEX Group also provides logistics and information system development services, in addition to heat treatments, so that it can meet the truly diverse needs of its customers.
Moving forward, we will continue to exert our best efforts to meet the demands of our customers.
I ask for your continued support and patronage.